#921 Posted in ‘Showtime Image Gallery’

Latest post by Lefteris Kavadas on Saturday, 27 August 2022 00:03 EEST

Joachim Kröner

is there a way to use Showtime in SP Pagebuilder without having to create an extra module first? Otherwise I would have to assign each gallery its own category and that becomes very cumbersome.

So like with the articles or with {showtime 81}.

Thanks for the quick help

Lefteris Kavadas
Hi Joachim,

I have not tested it, but
{showtime 81}
should work fine inside an editor in SP PageBuilder.
Showtime is a regular content plugin. If SP PageBuilder supports content plugins it should work.

Showtime is also available as a custom field integration. I am not sure if SP PageBuilder supports custom fields but if it does, it should work.

In our documentation there is a section for using Showtime Image Gallery with Yootheme : https://www.firecoders.com/documentation/showtime-image-gallery#yootheme
If there is such a thing in SP PageBuilder it should work.

If none of the above helps, please let me know.


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