Econa 1.7.3 Stable

Released on: Wednesday, 20 February 2019 17:55
  • FIXED: Econa Article Images was broken in frontend editing.
  • FIXED: Custom field was not working with categories other than com_content.
  • NEW: Econa article images storage path changed. Now the path that is used is MEDIA_MANAGER_IMAGES_PATH/econa-article-images/ARTICLE_ID.
  • NEW: Econa article images are deleted when an article is deleted.
  • FIXED: Econa custom field was not copied over when an article was copied.
  • FIXED: Some server setups and third party plugins are blocking access to /tmp directory. This was breaking Econa upload previews. Now Econa is using /media/econa/tmp directory for storing temporary files.
  • Several other fixes.


Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 39538c371cc6b5ae5d3b9b68a2a49bd4236d4cb782930c7b42be41e0984f5b1b
SHA-384 Signature 89297420d47e2b0c63921d88f0343f231fe08bf85741b39a901baeddeaf66d8a27696c10bb69698ed099dfa431e876c6
SHA-512 Signature c0c804e00cb4e44da23744f9f555cf082cec1cb7cac1117a1906c8b4975ec2ac52df958cce797c01cd15392c9a25223f22345505c83427c31bc1a4a1040763a0
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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