Showtime Image Gallery 1.1.2 Stable

Released on: Monday, 18 December 2017 15:08
  • Editor previews were broken after the last update.
  • The editor modal was broken for non RTL languages after the last update.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 0266d389ed3650282422b762fbfa954c3f135f0b6a5784fdc8a04f2c022b87b6
SHA-384 Signature a670629591ad20edc369b4a5c7d99ed85074709226ffad00f02ae21619fab116391f4288eb965eb10867ee7405540a1d
SHA-512 Signature 771ac20f7a176a3c0526f170b27e1ff9f6dbf2b1364a67516de4266a3cda45c7a86e81935400d172dd8c659d59fb3f1c006d15c06f5b33b8356cfa5e81da5d77
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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