Showtime Image Gallery 1.1.3 Stable

Released on: Thursday, 04 January 2018 02:31
  • Fixed: Could not add new images to existing galleries for some installations.
  • Fixed: Some options of the Fancybox plugin were not applied.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 7aeeee6a2ce22ec4562ee7150ac50f71bf8319315c0ae0e56e1f950bbd3c66a9
SHA-384 Signature d12904ea902857516852fe323db3442b34aa0dc2cc694f340604608965b7bbc5a894aa01ded495655e3165d49820c653
SHA-512 Signature ce659497edd686ea3eda9e7fdc31a3f5e6774639b4fb772f447ef062cb014a0f45fd1e16630efc2d34e4f87b0847957ec9e095de3c3ba51f414d532a2e8b3a9e
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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