Showtime Image Gallery 1.1.4 Stable

Released on: Monday, 05 March 2018 23:49
  • Enhanced layout options. Now you can define different display options for layouts for several viewports.
  • Fixed: Live previews were not working correctly with JCE.
  • All assets moved to the media folder.
  • Several minor fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 18539d01d9352e307e6fd4a2d56c97288b81bc7e884ef38681e06fc59341df5a
SHA-384 Signature c6315ce0f480152508a28990a86d9da68f2cf48ef92cb1f9e5b5cc0141d84d964d3b15acdbe6f43bd224500d3c4f4e57
SHA-512 Signature b893365c71e47fe3932dceba7061ed220dddf6b62f3d226e89b0b7add0acd8aa744dec45a1bb34c52f3df40fe4165dca93ba33ffa5c79199fa1fdff54c015278
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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