Showtime Image Gallery 1.2.0 Stable

Released on: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 03:00
  • Showtime module: Added option for thumbnails ordering.
  • Showtime module: Added option for rendering the gallery of the current page (dynamic mode).
  • Several fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature a43ea0b9cbb184e2f45928ba0a82291fcb79d3962925bdceaab869f37667c001
SHA-384 Signature 83b50664058f7f63a9c371132d6f43fdfe44496da488334b9cf5caf3dcf7d729b0fdb48e6bb6c01e2e6e3256b4f278ce
SHA-512 Signature b81990ece69bd055cf7c4a4744579c7769d6dbcb0f395f9aeae7ade8b1e25e420681cf7db39171faa07a3a0307193870e42e9e4e3454733042bd0f66be3dbb95
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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