Showtime Image Gallery 1.3.0 Stable

Released on: Wednesday, 08 August 2018 01:35
  • Added new "Justified" layout.
  • Added the ability to create custom layouts by placing files inside the template.
  • Fixed: Save of gallery was broken under some Joomla versions when Showtime was used as a custom field.
  • Fixed: Default layout params were not in effect if gallery layout was changed to "Use Global".
  • Fixed: Gallery options modal was unusable under some screens. 
  • Several fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 6fbb7bb4454fb41c7dc6c3f291038f89deed478cac43454489f841693704fc09
SHA-384 Signature b20456298d4dbabbcc00f1c2738ac542f26efa9c322952aae2e1642e7d1446eb03f034867491f7cf487310f599751b3d
SHA-512 Signature 154feb6b5c5cebfebd534cd16f5f231d4f61fd132712b89f1ad18edb713a9c682527b83d23f960e6f651e1fcac1751e7283f384d87b3c1c674c12d9c06ed01f7
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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