Showtime Image Gallery 1.4.0 Stable

Released on: Tuesday, 04 December 2018 16:42
  • Added watermark functionality for gallery images.
  • Fixed issue in front-end editing under Joomla 3.9 or later.
  • Fixed issue regarding images description markup.
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature ae522d57f68761288ca48050914154ffc74acdf8be74b66f54a816554044f8b5
SHA-384 Signature 4c6e99f8afb0add8e88872b2659f0b31fea88a7be773f273f1eea5df15ea58bf95569ef8429e5f0d4fc339be73dbe731
SHA-512 Signature 2ad3efa00d24b97f3d418439dbe1e376b534a4cf92c15fe24b6e4649863933931104e1f4174edcae031c44e9e314d80c8f84872dbaab36e82166ddbb9a81410e
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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