Showtime Image Gallery 1.4.1 Stable

Released on: Tuesday, 09 April 2019 15:40
  • Added compatibility with the latest JCE update.
  • Showtime custom field now works with categories.
  • Fixed display options issue.
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 68f8cd2cbe37a72218111f586048c6b17666e0bce66d8983253ba7ba1ed4a971
SHA-384 Signature f017f62f820da1caa60a96a6d75da20a86e6a0611b091c058172d7ba3297ca1b3de8ec16f95729e9e7bdff5811972549
SHA-512 Signature 8f2e5325ed6d374d45b0225dc7142577f0882807818606fa022844876127e19ef1d3eb74a91b1f67f25cba90fd7b2ffa28bf23701a12ab720747302e2abe7f25
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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