Showtime Image Gallery 1.4.3 Stable

Released on: Monday, 24 February 2020 13:03
  • New: Added option to resize original images in order save server disk space. 
  • Fixed: Custom field was broken when used with users component.
  • Fixed: Custom field options inheritance was broken.
  • Several other minor fixes and improvements.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 7af378213cb38043c694370a504f4f41c0c2d327189f4b63fe07dd0bad4b400b
SHA-384 Signature 53bed6d9b6c84ca63a6b780682503bd74fc34d1b277f07e3c16ba0a30d3edbe1263c5bf9921c250605ea7efd7d24d8dd
SHA-512 Signature 0ce6b3399b70cc84450af8f2156e09d2833c15b49ec12407332b8a6124db6aee4f470d0da8f353b7bbd5baaafbdce98f30d3a1694632bdb91ae51d6205b239ad
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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