Showtime Image Gallery 1.5.0 Stable

Released on: Friday, 12 March 2021 02:00
  • Fixed: Gallery preview in administration list was displaying all images instead of three.
  • Fixed: Do not upscale when resizing originals for saving space.
  • New: Add the thumbnail image dimensions in markup in order to improve core web vitals.
  • New: Lazy loading for thumbnails in order to improve core web vitals.
  • New: Joomla 4 compatibility.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature 074e4e001b70198d6a95edb5a04ea2eb2c70d4e13f0e512939d1f7f0eee2bb4f
SHA-384 Signature d7aa2016c956f23b6071bcc1b54c80de3baaeaa48c3de87e282daf0e34181d0347e48bd896de6dc481cfe371d114c4a3
SHA-512 Signature 96203e4ca2fdc4ba3de310fd7d195fe5631fa7d3e4b06e3946c83037d1984c14c54f12dd8768615780a3000ed51f43c1b7913320f49dbfea9d0e1c989be2f5da
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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