Showtime Image Gallery 1.5.1 Stable

Released on: Tuesday, 23 March 2021 14:17
  • Fixed broken radio buttons under Joomla 3.x. Issue introduced in the last update.
  • Joomla 4 compatibility fixes.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x

SHA-256 Signature c625e1a42dd6781966d797a37581637e4df951378df71dcf20d6686ab6c9a64d
SHA-384 Signature cca596133fc260d4b2bdfa59bc9b1dce44b39460e1ab982b054c8b7cf8f310601658cd5dbcea4fcc30fed8b518860e28
SHA-512 Signature 6b0e5d84306bbbb5f4ca71c554822716c1be18642885c56d939b0550564fc5406e8a9c74d820a0416dd1167b4ef636331c649cf0863387f31cd357a6d885438f
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x
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