Showtime Image Gallery 1.5.4 Stable

Released on: Tuesday, 15 February 2022 12:27
  • Fixed: Several issues under Joomla 4
  • Fixed: Insert gallery button now works as expected in the core "Custom HTML" module.

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

SHA-256 Signature f533c446580e785caa481e94930262b486d2720863262fd88c39fcc2e6f39cec
SHA-384 Signature 1f20c7ca2cb5bf972d24589b81f4061bbdea38ceb631684d9a66193ae1f148ad3fd839f4cc8bff3e3e4c227f323b67ce
SHA-512 Signature 22a156249bcc896a720d6f947c7801667ade9bc3393c11f163cc21d7f5ec96d13b52e9f3435bc19d16da77a7b5823086ce1602b96f0d306594d8db9e26d12dc4
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x
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