Showtime Image Gallery 1.5.9 Stable

Released on: Wednesday, 21 June 2023 11:51
  • You can now make an instance of Showtime Image Gallery custom filed required.
  • Showtime now works in Virtuemart editor fields.
  • Update swipebox to version 1.5.1 so it can be used with jQuery 3.5+ (Joomla 4).

Showtime Image Gallery

Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x

SHA-256 Signature c28992cc4ff5974f792a2074b847089fb82f3f4b652b2bfd4888a9299407973b
SHA-384 Signature bc1f196c764844299168e04dede22027f6cf21cdb53395f49abe6e5c234487a9f64d1680402d0d57f04c41a286d51a75
SHA-512 Signature 1b22ef970c92767cc83a1b25cfd6c40aeee766c03e95597d98f50734516bd3016716269b064a2126a0f24080038ade47fc7342f2c12c3f02f85ebbbb6a827c7f
Compatibility Joomla! 3.x Joomla! 4.x
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